
Cover image of, Breve storia del diritto in Europa


Breve storia del diritto in Europa. Dal diritto romano al diritto europeo

Bologna: Il Mulino, 2024 (Italian translation of a Short History of European Law)

Cover of book titled: A Short History of European Law  Seoul: Minsokwon, 2023 (a Korean translation)


A Short History of European Law

Seoul: Minsokwon, 2023 (A Korean translation of A Short History of European Law)

Picture of the front cover of Une Brève Histoire Du Droit En Europe. Les 2500 Dernières Années.

Une brève histoire du droit en Europe. Les 2500 dernières années.

Toulouse: Anacharsis, 2023 (French tralsation of a Short History of European Law).

Book cover - A Short History (Chinese translation)

A Short History of European Law. The Last Two and a Half Millenia.

Beijing: China University of Political Sciences and Law Press, 2019 (Chinese translation of a Short History of European Law).


Una breve historia del derecho europeo: los últimos 2,500 años.

Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2019 (Spanish translation of A Short History of European Law)


Fronteiras da posse. Espanha e Portugal na Europa e nas Américas

Belo Horizonte, Arraes Editores, 2019 (Brazilian translation of Frontiers of Possession)

Picture of book cover

A Short History of European Law. The Last Two and a Half Millenia.

Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2018.

FRONTERAS DE POSESIÓN España y Portugal en Europa y las Américas

Fronteras de Posesión. España y Portugal en Europa y las Américas.

Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2018 (Spanish translation of Frontiers of Possession)

Book cover

Fronteiras da Posse. Portugal e Espanha na Europa e na América

Lisbon: Imprensa ISC, 2018 (Portuguese translation of Frontiers of Possession)


Nations Citoyens Immigres Book cover

Nations, Citoyens, Immigrés: dans l'Espagne et l'Amérique espagnole du XVIIIe siècle

Le Poisson Volant, 2017 (French translation of Defining Nations)

Rites de contrôl et pratiques de négociation dans l'Empire espagnol. Dialogues distant entre Quito et Madrid (1650-1750).

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014 (French translation of Ritos de Control).

Frontiers of Possession: Spain and Portugal in Europe and the Americas

Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2015.

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Upholding Justice: State, Law and the Penal System in Quito.

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004 (updated and revised translation of La administración como un fenónemo social).

Vecinos y extranjeros. Hacerse español en la edad moderna. 

Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006 (Spanish translation of Defining Nations).


Rendre la justice à Quito (1650-1750).

Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001 (French translation of La administración como un fenómeno social).


Defining Nations: Immigrants and Citizens in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America.

New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.

Online edition


Mediación, archivos y ejercicio: los escribanos de Quito (siglo XVII-XVIII).

Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 1996.

Ritos de control, prácticas de negociación: Pesquisas, visitas y residencias y las relaciones entre Quito y Madrid (1650-1750).

Madrid: Fundación Hernando de Larramendi, 2000.

La administración como un fenónemo social: la justicia penal penal de la ciudad de Quito (1650-1750).

Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1995.

Los ministros de la Audiencia de Quito 1650-1750.

Quito: Libri-Mundi, 1995.


Co-Edited Volumes

Cover image of the book "The Cambridge History of Latin American Law in Global Perspective"

The Cambridge History of Latin American Law in Global Perspective

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023 (with Thomas Duve)

Polycentric Monarchies. How did Early Modern Spain and Portugal Achieve and Maintain a Global Hegemony?
Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2012 (with Pedro Cardim, José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez and Gaetano Sabatini).


The Collective and the Public in Latin America. Cultural Identities and Political Order.
Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2000 (with Luis Roniger).


Observation and Communication: The Construction of Realities in the Hispanic World.
Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 1997 (with J.M. Scholz).